A Warm and Homey Feeling

4 minute single-channel video

A single-channel video exploring themes of surveillance, waiting and false domesticity.

The work takes the viewer on a disjointed journey through the interior spaces of the then unbuilt Laval Immigration Detention Centre, in Laval, Québec, based on a fragmented reconstruction of the detention centre based on information gleaned through an access to information request to the Canadian government, open-access documents, and published interviews with detainees. Filmed large-scale physical models of the architecture of the Laval Immigration Holding Centre become literal fragments illustrating the redacted and obfuscated information by the Canadian government.

This research was published in the article, Between Borders and Bodies, in the Journal for Architectural Education in 2020. She has also lectured on this research at Galérie UQO. A lecture performance was given at Fondation Phi based on this work in February 2020, as supporting public program to Phil Collins’ Bring Down the Walls exhibition.